Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Being mean

THe only time i can think of being mean is to my brother and we mess around and i go to far. Most of the time we will just fight and try to slam each other along with trying to make the submit. After all the after i make him submit i always hold it longer to make him feel more pain. I also one time put him through a wooden table that he shouldn’t have gone through. I think that it is wrong for me to keep holding it to make him feel more pain. Now that i think about it i feel kind of bad that i always do it everytime. I also think what would have happen if he would have got hurt really bad to were I broke some bone in his body and had to take him to the hosiptal that wouldn’t be right to him at all. I think people do it even when they shouldn't because it makes them feel bigger about themself and it makes them feel like nothing can happen to them. Out of all this I should try to stop putting him through more pain when her shouldn’t have to be put through it.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I think that the Alchemist was a pretty good book and i would perfer this book to other people because there was always a story behind everthing that her did. The boy was trying to live his dream and everyone kept trying to stop him they kept saying i wanted to live my dream and then i found out that it didnt come ture. No matter what happened to the boy he was doing everything that he can to live up to his dream. He got robbed a couple times and they took all his money. Then he found out how to speak the langage of the earth. He talked to the sand, wind, sun, and he also talked to god who helped him turn into the wind